Linggo, Disyembre 4, 2011


Let me begin this report with heartfelt thanks to KRISSY MORALES BISDA for documenting this three-day activity and to the hard work of all members of this sub-committee, lead by the Secretariat's Focal Person- Ms. Josephine Despi of the National Council of Disability Affairs. It is indeed a privilege to lead this group of people who work with passion, commitment and belief that this project will get off the ground even we started with just pledges from somewhere. Bringing women with disabilities and mothers of children with disabilities from different parts of the Philippines was indeed a challenge we had to face with positive thoughts to hear their voices and echo to their respective communities. This is just a beginning. The seeds we have planted have to bear fruits and we will watch them plant again and reap in every season....
                              - Carmen Zubiaga, Sub-Committee on Gender


1.   Held at DOTC Auditorium, Columbia Towers, Ortigas Mandaluyong City  
2.    November 22, 2011 (9:00am – 5:00pm)
3.    Attendees were from different regions in the Philippines from Luzon to Mindanao


1.  About 150 participants from the National Capital Region and representatives from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao registered for the forum in spite of the rainy weather. 

      Program began with an invocation and singing of national anthem


Guests include Engr. Ildefonso Patdu of DOTC, Mr. Mateo Lee
of NCDA and Ms. Trisha Gray of Australian Aid as the keynote
Engr. Patdu of DOTC welcoming all guests and participants
     Ms. Carmen Zubiaga, President of WOWLEAP (Women With Disabilities Leap to Social and Economic Progress and Chair of the Sub-Committee on Gender (head organizer) added on Mr. Edmund’s welcome remarks by adding more delightful thoughts in everybody’s presence in the seminar forum.  
4.    Mr. Mateo Lee (NCDA) delivered his personal welcome message and stressed that women with disabilities in the Philippines are somewhat more fortunate compared to other women from other countries. He cited an example of Muslim women who still battle for equal rights and become more productive citizens of their nations. In accordance to the latest report of census, women without disabilities enjoy more rights and privileges than women with disabilities. Lee  emphasizes also on the role significance of women in cultivating developments and social reforms. AS closing statement, he salute to women’s strengths in character and in capabilities to foster change. He also promoted the Access 2020 Fun Run to be held on December 3, 2011.

      Mr. Tito Fajardo (Commission on Human Rights), representing USEC Severo Catura,  in his speech, he give rise on the importance of mainstreaming women in the society for they could bring in change and progress. He shared an example of a tale of war where great women leaders survived and played a huge role in the fight. He brought in high spot that up to now, we are still struggling for adequate rights for women and children.

Ms. Trisha Gray ( representative from Australian Aid), welcome all guests, emphasized that projects for persons with disabilities and for women are close to the “heart of Australian Aid”. She wished a very fruitful workshop for everybody.

7.    Rizaldy Sanchez, discussed magnacarta for PWD and a specific Magnacarta for Women. He provided emphasis on the relevance of reviewing the laws and recommend revisions to rights of women or persons with disabilities in general to ensure that PWD’s enjoy quality life. Data gathering must be improved and meticulous, increase strongly level of support to advocacies for women with disabilities to warrant international and domestic protection against violence, sexual abuse and other forms of battery. For 15 years now, only Philippines in Asia have the gender budgeting body for marginalized women. Budgeting process for persons with disabilities is similar to the ones for senior citizens. It should be fought for that mainstreaming women is not a social burden but a form of inclusive integrity, an empowering integration. There had been findings that 20% is caused by poverty. Philippines has an excellent frame work of laws and legislations for women and persons with disabilities, these should be fully implemented and it’s high time to make sure that these are all followed and exercised. Sanchez further explained that violators of Magna carta would have penalties. He added also the discount privilege once a PWD is an ID bearer of a government issued PWD ID. Complaints from most audience on drug stores who do not honour this discount policy have been raised to Sanchez for further investigation.

8.    Ms. Carmen Zubiaga (head Chair for the gender inclusion on development subcommittee), expressed gratitude and appreciation to all sponsors of the event especially to DOTC and Australian Aid. Zubiaga mentioned again that projects for women with disabilities or for persons with disabilities are close to the heart of Australian Aid. She underscored that 650 million in the world are with disabilities. Women with disabilities for that matter experience double discrimination or double denial of their rights. In the Philippines Zubiaga accentuated that women are more fortunate for having familial love and support. In the country, women are somehow recognized, began to conquer the field of commerce by being career woman but despite of this, more are still needed to struggle for. Communities are necessitated to launch programs for empowerment and protection to women. There should be a strong voice in all local government units (LGU’s) for women with disabilities for them to be included in all aspects of community life and have access to resources particularly in Gender and Development fund and the .5% allocation for PWD. Zubiaga turned to discuss a brief overview of UNCRPD stressing the portions of the law concerning protection for PWD or for women. After which, she buoys up the serious talk,  emphasizes the importance of self – esteem of women. “You have to go out, meet and relate with people. All of us are beautiful! Dress up, wear makeup, and look good all the time. Never hide your legs behind long pants. Feel beautiful inside and out. All women are beautiful!” The entire audience was highly encouraged to take the lead when they get back to their respective regions / area in setting up a desk filled with programs for women with disabilities and children. Psychosocial disability is another form of disability that had been recognized and given attention to. There were no known programs for them. These women with such disabilities are pushed to come out, claim their rights and should be understood.
9.    (Afternoon break / ice breaker)

10. Ms. Noreen Nacional (DTI), discussed about economic empowerment for women with disabilities or for other persons with disabilities through business development. She highlighted the opportunities for macro and micro enterprise. Provided guidance in terms of requirements and other pertinent documents needed to pursue or capitalize a business. DTI’s projects for livelihood has firm linkages among lending or loaning companies that can assist business starters. Nacional proudly reveals the courses they offer for women are as follows; consumer electronic repair, welding, dress making, baking of pastries and automotive training. Nacional added that they would have soon to offer massage therapy training.

    Dr. Maureen Ava Mata (Representative from PWD group of Makati), Explains that building a support group for PWD’s does not give rise to frequent action of gathering funds, hence, pool of volunteers, network widening and finding steady human resource for each of the projects are essential. CBR or community rehabilitation is a good channel to utilize which Makati have begun to maximize in pushing forth their program goals. Mata allude to an experience of their community where in the tap different professionals around the area such as; Physical therapists, doctors, nurses, teachers, church servants, dentists and many others to support their cause by volunteering their service in lined with their expertise and not just by merely sharing something monetary.

   Ms. Marisa Sandoval (TESDA Women centre), Sandoval pompously announce that TESDA women centre received an award as the first in Asia to provide projects and programs of empowerment for women. The specialty of their programs are, it is competency based and individual pace methods. Assessing one’s skills and abilities are the initial factors to determine what training suits the potential trainee. Individual pace training is done on the basis of one’s progress as she goes along with the module. TESDA accepts trainees as young as 15 years old and applicants must need to pass their entrance exams. TESDA is also active in building communities, budget hearings and system improvement drives.  
13. Ms. Jean Gonzales (President of Philippine Association of Citizens with Developmental and Learning Disabilities), stressed that their core belief and goal is to build network and work hand in hand with department of labour and employment (DOLE). Gonzales explained that after all their empowering and rehabilitative programs and intervention, employment or economic independence takes place in somebody’s life.
.    Ms. Carmen Zubiaga (back in the floor to speak), informed and encouraged everybody to join and be active with local women’s council in their respective municipalities.
15. Audience general wish list and proposed issues to seek actions for;
·         Increase number of public schools in Valenzuela accepting children with disabilities
·         Increase number of SPED teachers catering to all types of children with disabilities
·         Increase number of colleges in Valenzuela accommodating incoming college students with disabilities
·              Increase the quality of medical diagnosis of disabilities to children through physicians and other medical practitioners
·         Partnering with non – PWD groups to widen awareness drives regarding persons with disabilities with special focus on their abilities and other potentials

·         PWD groups / individuals must be very active in infrastructure reforms
1   Mr. Rizal Morales (DOTC), Presented as the Apolinario Mabini awardee for the most outstanding volunteer who engages and promote rehabilitation drives and programs for persons with disabilities beyond regular work. Morales highlight the efforts of Undersecretary Mar Roxas in attending all complaints and issues of PWD’s in transportation and travelling. He pointed out also that 99% of all filed cases were not or has not been resolved through due process because of some factors from PWd’s end like PWD’s pity the accused drivers and eventually leading to taking back the field cases and no fare to attend court hearings.

(Awarding of certificates, photo sessions and distribution of tokens)     

Our special thanks to the following : 

AUSTRALIAN AID and the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT for sponsoring the food and hotel accommodation for 60 participants from the provinces. 

1. Department of Social Welfare and Development for sponsoring two snacks for the one day forum and tokens; 
2. National Council on Disability Affairs for  lunch, stage banner and serving as secretariat for the activity; 
3. Department of Trade and Industry and PACDLD for the kit, certificates, and other supplies; 
4. TESDA for tokens for speakers; 
5. DPWH and Tahanang Walang Hagdanan for the two buses that took the participants to 
    EDSA Shangrila Plaza and Bayview  Hotel
6. DENR for souvenir t-shirts for the participants and committee members; 
7. WOWLEAP for resource mobilization and leading the three day activity. 



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