Sabado, Hunyo 18, 2011


June 19 is a day of national observance because it is the birthday of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. On this same day this year, falls the Father's Day, the time of the year when everyone honors all the GOOD FATHERS. Most of the people who were named RIZAL are also celebrating their birthdays today! And one of them is Architect RIZAL MORALES of DOTC . He is not just a mere DOTC employee, but an advocate of the persons with disabilities sector within the transport sector. Archt. Morales is the Focal Person on Disability of DOTC since 2006 and during his period of involvement, the sector has seen how he works with commitment to the people he wants to serve. As a member of the NCDA Subcommittee on Accessibility, he participated actively in pushing for policies to make transport accessible for PWDs. He first capitalized on what is existing knowing that government is not as efficient as everyone expected. He moved the participation of the entire DOTC branches by organizing the DOTC Task Force on Accessibility, involving agencies on sea, air and land transport. Through his initiatives, they worked together on how to use existing policies and resources to make the transport system accessible to PWDs. He organized seminars and trainings on disability and sensitivy to their needs. He is also open and willing to listen to the sector and participated in major PWD events such as Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week, Women With Disability Day, International Day of PWDs, NDPR Week and many other activities where he acted as Co Chair with lead PWD organization.

What is striking about this man is his commitment and willingness to help everyone and even influence people to do the same. When a PWD files a complaint about drivers who refused to take them for a ride, he will extend extra effort to expedite quick hearing to reprimand operators or drivers. He goes beyond his normal duty as government official to help individuals, from accompanying groups of PWDs for caroling every Christmas, to requesting for wheelchairs for individuals whom he happened to see the need.

He has the extraordinary ability to bond people together and work for the success of every project. He is always the first to say "IT'S a success!"

Archt. Morales is also an active servant of his church serving as lay minister and member of the Knights of Columbus. A God-fearing man, a committed husband and family man makes him a GOLDEN MAN!

As a friend and colleague, I wish you all the best in life and please continue to be the person we have known from the beginning, since we met in Tokyo International Center during our JICA days and that was 16 years ago. I thank GOD that our paths crossed again and for sure, HE knows that we are partners in mission to make a better road for the PWD sector. You are a Person With extreme Determination to empower PWDs! NOW, YOU ARE A GOLDEN PWEDE!!!!


1 komento:

  1. we appreciate your work Archt. Morales.... you work not just because mandated by your profession or as public official but you have dedication and love to work with the sector of PWD's hope there are more like you as public servant. More power God bless u always.
